A story makes meaning.

If I had a dime for every time I saw “storytelling” mentioned in a nonprofit context, I would be staycationing this summer with a white wine lawn fountain and drone-deliveredContinue reading “A story makes meaning.”

Better ways to think about “best practice”

A quick Google search of “nonprofit best practice” yields collections of resources from our sector’s leading providers of quality resources. When nonprofit board chair or Executive Director calls or attendsContinue reading “Better ways to think about “best practice””

“The future is something we build in the present.”

Brazilian educator and sociologist Paulo Freire wrote in Pedagogy of Hope: “Through the process of reflection, individuals may become conscious of the realities other than the one into which theyContinue reading ““The future is something we build in the present.””

The Producer Role: Ensuring Online Success

Imagine an in-person workshop. The speaker is setting up materials in the front of the room, organizing her props, and making sure she has her crisp opening ready to drawContinue reading “The Producer Role: Ensuring Online Success”

Virtual Conference Reflection: How did it go?

Colleagues across the country are thinking about converting their in-person conferences into online learning events. I offer these reflections on how we implemented this shift to help you think aboutContinue reading “Virtual Conference Reflection: How did it go?”

Why have a learning strategy

Change will come when we enlist our research-based, strategically-aligned learning resources in support of the goals we have for our organization and sector. Nonprofits are important. Their success matters toContinue reading “Why have a learning strategy”

What is instructional design?

Margaret Schulte and I explain instructional design in our new e-book “How to Design for Action.” We define the term in the introduction, which I share here. Since publishing theContinue reading “What is instructional design?”